• Family Trust

Ryan and Simone’s Family Trust – The Pitfalls of Personal Trusteeship

The Situation:

Ryan was the personal trustee of a family trust that held significant assets including the family business, house, share in an investment property, cars, and a caravan. The trust, through the business, owed over $400,000 to the ATO.

The Challenges:

  • Significant ATO debt that the trust couldn’t repay
  • Ryan’s personal liability for trust debts as a personal trustee
  • Need to restructure the business and protect family assets

LemonAide’s Approach:

  • Assessed the overall structure of the family trust and its assets
  • Restructured the business into a separate company
  • Facilitated the sale of other trust assets to Simone at fair market value
  • Guided Ryan through the personal bankruptcy process

Educated the clients on the implications of personal trusteeship

The Outcome:

  • Business successfully restructured into a separate company
  • Trust assets sold to Simone, protecting them from creditors
  • Ryan entered bankruptcy to deal with personal liability from trust debts
  • Preserved family assets despite the trust’s financial difficulties

Key Takeaways:

  • Personal trusteeship can lead to personal liability for trust debts which may result in bankruptcy if not paid.
  • Proper structuring with a corporate trustee can provide better asset protection
  • Restructuring and asset sales can help preserve family wealth in financial difficulties
  • Professional advice is crucial when dealing with complex trust structures

Concerned about your trust structure?