• Kamal Civil Engineering

Case Study: Kamal’s Civil Engineering Company – Negotiating Personal Guarantees

The Situation:

Kamal’s civil engineering company was liquidated, leaving him with personal guarantees on a significant contract with a finance company. The finance company was pursuing legal action against Kamal and his father.

The Challenges:

  • $77,000 debt from personal guarantees
  • Ongoing legal demands and the threat of legal action from the finance company
  • New company started to run the business
  • Limited time before the next court date

LemonAide’s Approach:

  • Explored alternatives to bankruptcy
  • Initiated negotiations with the finance company
  • Highlighted the potential outcomes of bankruptcy to the creditor
  • Negotiated a payment arrangement and asset retention

The Outcome:

  • Settled on a payment of $50,000 over 5 months, saving $27,000
  • Kamal retained some items of the financed equipment
  • Avoided bankruptcy and preserved the new company
  • Gained time to pay the debt without losing business assets

Key Takeaways:

  • Personal guarantees can lead to significant personal liability
  • Negotiation can be a powerful tool in debt resolution
  • Quick action and professional representation can lead to favorable outcomes

Facing personal liability from business debts?