• Farming Business

Case Study: Dennis’s Farming Business – Resolving Long-term Bankruptcy Issues

The Situation:

Dennis, an elderly client, was involved in a generational farming business with other family members. Due to marital discord, the family had to buy back shares from an ex-partner, Sue, with personal guarantees from each family member.

The Challenges:

  • Family’s farming company put into liquidation by Sue
  • Personal bankruptcy of each family member who provided guarantees
  • Dennis’s failure to acknowledge the bankruptcy for over 9 years
  • Need to make a release application despite ability to pay off debt through family-owned land

LemonAide’s Approach:

  • Assessed Dennis’s overall financial situation
  • Explained the consequences of not acknowledging bankruptcy
  • Guided Dennis through the process of properly acknowledging his bankruptcy
  • Assisted in preparing for a release application

The Outcome:

  • Dennis properly acknowledged his bankruptcy status
  • Prepared for a release application to resolve the long-standing bankruptcy
  • Educated Dennis on the importance of lodging bankruptcy documents promptly
  • Provided a path forward to resolve the financial and legal issues

Key Takeaways:

  • Personal guarantees in family businesses can lead to complex financial issues
  • Ignoring bankruptcy does not make it go away and can prolong the process
  • Proper acknowledgment and compliance with bankruptcy procedures is crucial
  • Professional guidance can help navigate even long-standing bankruptcy issues

Struggling with long-term bankruptcy issues?